
Installing MakeTree

1. Distribution

MakeTree is distributed as a .ZIP file. It contains executables for MS-DOS and MS-Windows V3.x and the full source. These executables will probably work under Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT, but this has not been tested. If you want to employ MakeTree under Unix you have to recompile the program. Use the sources in the "source.tar" archive. Click here to download MakeTree.

2. Disclaimer

MakeTree is freeware. The MakeTree application and its accompanying support files are provided "as is" and no warranty of fitness for a particular use or purpose is offered. The entire risk of using MakeTree is with you.

3. How to compile MakeTree

If you are using MS-DOS or MS-Windows V3.x, you can skip this step and use the executables of the distributionfile.

Different C-compilers have different executable names and different options. Check the documentation that came with your particular compiler first. We assume that your compiler is called by "cc".

  1. Unzip the distribution file.
  2. If you are using Unix, move the ".tar" file to your Unix computer and unpack it.
  3. If you are NOT using an ANSI-C compiler add option "-DARCHAIC".
  4. If you are compiling for a Unix platform add option "-DUNIX".
  5. In no event use option "-DCEXT".
  6. Enter "cc <options> maketree.c -o maketree".
  7. It should compile without errors. If it doesn't, try if adding "#define void" to "maketree.c" fixes the problem.

4. How to create "maketree.js"

IMPORTANT! If you are generating for Folder-Tree V2.x, you do NOT need "maketree.js" and you can skip both this step and the next! Please, continue with step 6.

MakeTree will function without the "maketree.js" file. However, in that case it will only generate the "generateTree()" function. MakeTree is capable to generate the complete "index.html" file with the embedded Folder-Tree script, but this requires a "maketree.js" file in the same directory where the MakeTree executable is located.

  1. You should have downloaded all the files that make up the Folder-Tree script. One of these files is "index.html".
  2. Copy this file to "maketree.js".
  3. Start up your favorite editor and load "maketree.js".
  4. Locate the "<title>(some string)</title>" entry and delete it entirely.
  5. In its place, insert a single line that reads "[TITLE]". Don't add additional spaces, tabs, or any other characters.
  6. Locate the "generateTree()" function and delete it entirely.
  7. In its place, insert a single line that reads "[TREE]". Don't add additional spaces, tabs, or any other characters.
  8. Do any additional editing and save it.

5. Example


<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

<!--  to hide script contents from old browsers

//each node in the tree is an Array with 4+n positions
//  node[0] is 0/1 when the node is closed/open
//  node[1] is 0/1 when the folder is closed/open
//  node[2] number of children that are documents
//  node[3] is the name of the folder
//  node[4]...node[4+n] are the n children nodes

// ***************
// Building the data in the tree


// Auxiliary function to build the node
function gFld(name)
var arrayAux

6. Using Windows 3.x

  1. Select 'File' on the menu.
  2. Choose 'Start' if you want to execute MakeTree only once; enter "maketree [options] <.mt file> <target file>"
  3. Choose 'Add' if you want to install MakeTree permanently; enter "maketree.exe [options] <.mt file> <target file>" in the commandline; select "maketree.ico" to add an icon. Clicking the icon in the Program Manager will generate the target file.

7. Using Windows 95, 98 or NT 4.0

  1. Start the Explorer. Point to START and click the right mouse button. 'Explorer' should be one of the options.
  2. Browse until you get to the Menu where you want to add MakeTree. You can select the proper menu by clicking it in the left window of the explorer.
  3. The contents of the Menu appear in the right window. Now click the right mouse button on the background of the right window of the Explorer. One of the options should be 'New'. Select 'Shortcut' from the submenu.
  4. Click 'Browse' at the bottom of the next popup screen and select 'MAKETREE.EXE'
  5. Something like 'c:\myfiles\maketree.exe' has appeared in one of the line. Complete the line using this format. Spaces are important:

    c:\myfiles\maketree.exe [options] <.mt file> <target file>
  6. Finish the procedure. After that you got a new menu option. Whenever you click the icon the targetfile is (re)generated.

8. Support

Please, take a look at the FAQ first. Support is given on a "when time is available" basis and can be terminated without notice. If you have any questions concering MakeTree, us. MakeTree is NOT supported by the author of Folder-Tree.